Last night was the awards ceremony at Cap. A curious combination of emotions for me the strongest possibly the slight nervousness/terror of having to speak publicly which kind of amuses me because I really never stop talking.
I had a realization in the last week thinking about my father and how no one really gave him credit for being his own person, we all viewed him as an extension of my mother and saw him only how he related to his paternal role......the memorial scholarship he set up in my mothers name lo those many years ago was really a very wonderful way of honouring her and her passions, I never really saw that until today. I guess all this pondering comes about as my own maternal role changes, as I try to prepare my last little birdies to leave the nest.......truthfully, the sooner the better.......I have more in common with the old goat than I realized......
So I had a nice mental visit with the parents while I waited to get up and say whatever it was I said which of course I dont
The best part of the evening though was the chance to spend it with my dear friend
Janet . Janet and I have had colliding lives many times over the last 2 decades.....the most significant being that shortly after doing the DIY show in LA together we were both diagnosed with breast cancer almost on the same day. Janet is terminal, I am in the remission......I guess its the luck of the draw......seriously if you have a 64 percent chance of winning then buy that worked for me.
Janet and I spent the evening reliving our friendship, poor Mary Lou stuck between us! I had forgotten what it was like to talk to someone with a similar humour and experience.....we laughed and laughed and talked about the cupboards of tea that people bring you when you have cancer and how everyone tells you how brave and strong you are when the fact is you are just doing what you do. Janet and I both marveled at what a gift breast cancer had been to both of us. I cant think of when I have enjoyed an evening more.
At the end I took her on a tour of the textile department, we walked slowly because of the blisters on her feet but i remembered and totally understood the need to keep walking and living through and past the effects of chemo......Cancer takes and gives.......kills the body but somehow frees the spirit......I knew she would love the rooms and she did, feeling that tables full of marks from many students.....the positive energy in that space is incredible and she added hers to it. For me it has been a healing space and I am so glad I got to share that.